
cocos2d-x extensions designed to use benefits of c++11 standard

Primary LanguageC++


Extensions for cocos2d-x designed to use benefits of c++11 standard. All code is under MIT license. Works with both cocos2dx 2.x and 3.x. Use this code on own risk, be ready to fix it.


Class to load images asynchroniosly. (Uses std::function)

    ImageLoadQueue::getInstance()->maybeAddImageToQueue(imageURL, imagePath, [=] (bool success) {
    Sprite *sprite = Sprite::create(imagePath.c_str());
    if (sprite) {
        const Size winSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize();
        sprite->setPosition(Point(winSize.width * 0.2, winSize.height * 0.4));

CCForeach (Foreach in 3.x)

Adaptor for range-based for (implemented as template class).

    // there is Array *childrenToAdd
    for (auto node : Foreach<CCNode>(childrenToAdd))

CCCallLambda (CallLambda in 3.x)

CCAction that calls std::function<void()>, so it can be used with lambda. Use capture list to store additional parameters with callback, do not forget about references and autorelease!

    // Assume that 'int *m_count' defined as class member.
    m_count = new int(0);
    auto caller = CCCallLambda::create([&] () {
        CCLOG("Lambda call #%d", ++(*m_count));

Cloud API

Have only Amazon S3 backend. Can list files in bucket, as well as download, upload and delete selected files from/to/on cloud.

    AmazonS3Cloud::get().setSharedSecretAccessKey("Ha ha! Find your own keys pair.");
    AmazonS3Cloud::get().setSharedAccessKey("Otherwise you cannot test it.");

    // Get list of files in your bucket 'games.kitties', we need only files
    // with prefix 'user129487512/' in their key.
    CloudDir *dir = AmazonS3Cloud::get().createDir("games.kitties");
    dir->updateFilesListAsync("user129487512/", [](Array *a, CloudError *e) {
        if (e)
            CCLOG("Update error: '%s'", e->prettyPrint());
            // download all files owned by this user.
            for (CloudFile *i : Foreach<CloudFile>(a)) {
                std::string suffix = i->getName();
                size_t nameStart = suffix.find_last_of('/') + 1;
                if (suffix.size() > nameStart)
                    suffix = suffix.substr(nameStart);
                i->downloadFromCloud(suffix, [suffix](CloudError *error) {
                    if (error)
                        CCLOG("Download error: '%s'", error->prettyPrint());
                    else {
                        const std::string path = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(suffix.c_str());
                        CCLOG("Download finished, see '%s'", path.c_str());

Codegeneration for serialization

Code generator, based on clang-c API. It's very rough implementation, which can be improved in many terms.


    struct SoldierRecord : ISerializableRecord
        int health;
        int fatigue;

    struct NinjaRecord : public SoldierRecord
        bool hasKatana;

Output (correct implementation file generated too, but it's too big to show):

    struct SoldierRecord : public ISerializableRecord
        void saveDataTo(CCDictionary *dict) const;
        void loadDataFrom(CCDictionary *dict);
        int getHealth() const;
        int getFatigue() const;

        void setHealth(int);
        void setFatigue(int);

        int health;
        int fatigue;

    struct NinjaRecord : public SoldierRecord
        void saveDataTo(CCDictionary *dict) const;
        void loadDataFrom(CCDictionary *dict);
        bool hasKatana() const;

        void setHasKatana(bool);

        bool m_hasKatana;