Note: if you want to play around, don't forget to grab all dependencies.

docker-compose run grpc_php_server composer install
docker-compose run client_nodejs npm install

For trying it out:

 docker-compose up

The output result:

grpc_php_server    | DEBU[0000] [rpc]: started                               
grpc_php_server    | DEBU[0000] [grpc]: started                              
client_nodejs      | Service response
client_nodejs      |  { body: 'Hello' }

As you could see it's tremendous simple to start working with gRPC and start thinking of adapting that one to our workflow.

What kind of benefits of adopting GRPC:

  1. Easy to understand.
  2. Web infrastructure already built on top of HTTP.
  3. Great tooling for testing, inspection, and modification.
  4. Loose coupling between clients/server makes changes easy.
  5. High-quality HTTP implementations in every language.