
Install PHP on AppVeyor CI

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Install PHP and its tooling on AppVeyor CI.

php-appveyor.psm1 is a small PowerShell script which provides functions to install stable PHP versions, PHP DevPack, PHP SDK binary tools and doing some usual provision tasks on the AppVeyor CI.


Add the following to your .appveyor.yml file:

  # Use this matrix as an example

    # Specify matrix item for your app
    - PHP_VERSION: 7.3
      VC_VERSION: 15
      BUILD_TYPE: nts-Win32
      APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2015

  # Specify required PHP SDK binary tools if you need SDK

  PHP_AVM: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sergeyklay/php-appveyor/master/php-appveyor.psm1

# Cache PHP and tooling
  # The C:\Downloads directory will be used as a storage for downloaded archives.
  # So you may want to cache it.
  - 'C:\Downloads -> .appveyor.yml'

# Specify required architecture.
# Supported architectures are ``x86`` and ``x64``
  - x64

  # Download php-appveyor.psm1 module and invoke it to the current session
  - ps: (new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString($Env:PHP_AVM) | iex

  - ps: InstallPhpSdk     $Env:PHP_SDK_VERSION $Env:VC_VERSION $Env:PLATFORM
  - ps: InstallPhp        $Env:PHP_VERSION $Env:BUILD_TYPE $Env:VC_VERSION $Env:PLATFORM
  - ps: InstallPhpDevPack $Env:PHP_VERSION $Env:BUILD_TYPE $Env:VC_VERSION $Env:PLATFORM

  # An example to install PECL extension
  - ps: >-
      InstallPeclExtension `
        -Name       psr `
        -Version    0.6.1 `
        -PhpVersion $Env:PHP_VERSION `
        -BuildType  $Env:BUILD_TYPE `
        -VC         $Env:VC_VERSION `
        -Platform   $Env:PLATFORM

  # An example to enable PHP extension
  - ps: >-
      EnablePhpExtension `
        -Name          my_ext `
        -PhpPath       C:\php `       # Optional
        -ExtPath       C:\my_ext `    # Optional
        -PrintableName "My Extension" # Optional

  # Your code here

For more completely example see .appveyor.yml in this project.

Real world projects with php-appveyor.psm1

  • Phalcon Framework - High performance, full-stack PHP framework delivered as a C extension
  • PHP Zephir Parser - The Zephir Parser delivered as a C extension for the PHP language


php-appveyor.psm1 is open source software licensed under the MIT License (MIT). See the LICENSE file for more information.