
JetBrains' IDEA/PhpStorm/PyCharm/DataGrip/GoLand/… theme inspired by the GitHub syntax highlighting style (version 3)

MIT LicenseMIT

JetBrains GitHub 3 theme

JetBrains' IDEA/PhpStorm/PyCharm/DataGrip/GoLand/… theme inspired by the GitHub syntax highlighting style (version 3, early 2020).

Tested with:

  • Bash
  • CSS
  • Go
  • HTML
  • INI
  • JavaScript
  • JSON
  • PHP
  • Python
  • XML

How to install

Shameless rip-off from this document.

  1. Copy GitHub 3.icls to your preferences directory:

    Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10:


    Windows XP:

    <SYSTEM DRIVE>\Documents and Settings\<USER ACCOUNT NAME>\.<PRODUCT><VERSION>\colors

    Linux and other Unix systems

    Product directory starting with dot can be found in your user home directory, the pattern is:




    PRODUCT values

    • IntelliJIdea (IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition)
    • IdeaIC (IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition)
    • RubyMine
    • WebIde (PhpStorm versions before 2016.1 and WebStorm before 7.0 use this common directory)
    • PhpStorm (PhpStorm starting from 2016.1 version)
    • WebStorm (WebStorm starting from 7.0 version)
    • PyCharm
    • AppCode
    • CLion
    • DataGrip
    • AndroidStudio
  2. Restart your product.

  3. Go to Preferences, choose Editor > Color Scheme and select GitHub 3.


Go example

JavaScript example

PHP example

Python example