
Brackets/braces/parens invisible when unmatched and in focus

Opened this issue · 5 comments

When brackets/braces/parens are unmatched, they are shown as white with a red background.
When the line containing the unmatched character is in focus, the red background is turned off and the character becomes invisible against a light coloured background.

In the screenshot below the parens around newElement have become invisible because there is an earlier syntax problem with an unclosed bracket and the line containing newElement is in focus.



<option name="BAD_CHARACTER">

The workaround is as follows:

  1. Select the bad character
  2. Ctrl-Shift-A
  3. Jump to Colors and Fonts
  4. JavaScript->BadCharacter (/JavaScript/<yourLang>/g)
  5. Unselect 'inherit values'
  6. Choose a foreground colour that will stand out a little. I have chosen FCB4D4 which might not be optimal but works.

Thanks for the report, I'm going to check this soon.
I'd like to fix this without redefining BAD_CHARACTER per language but I don't know how yet. 🤔

It looks like this issue should be upvoted and maybe it'll help resolving the issue:
If there's no chance JetBrains fixes it, I'll pick a background color as a primary color for this token.

Thanks Sergey. I have upvoted the issue. Would changing the color of the foreground color not fix this for all languages?
Specifically, set

<option name="FOREGROUND" value="fafbfc"/>
to a color like #FCB4D4?

It's what I want to do if the issue isn't changed in a week or two. So I set a reminder on this issue. :)