
Command Line Interface for Сreatio platform

Primary LanguageC#


Command Line Interface clio is the utility for integration Creatio platform with development and CI/CD tools.

Installation and features

You can dowload release binaries from latest release. Unpack the archive with clio.

Content table


  • <PACKAGE_NAME> - package name
  • <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> - environment name
  • <COMMAND_NAME> - clio command name

Register and unregister


To register clio as the global tool, run the command:

dotnet tool install clio

you can register clio for all users:

dotnet tool install clio -g

To unregister clio as the global tool, run the command:

dotnet tool uninstall clio

or for all users:

dotnet tool uninstall clio -g

More information you can see in .NET Core Global Tools overview.


  1. Download .net core for mac
  2. Download and extract clio release
  3. Register clio folder in PATH system variables

Execute these command in terminal

cd ~/clio folder/
chmod 755 clio

Execute command in terminal for success check

clio help

Help and examples

For display available commands use:

clio help

For display command help use:

clio <COMMAND_NAME> --help


Creating new package

To create new package project, use the next command:

 clio new-pkg <PACKAGE_NAME>

you can set reference on local core assembly with using Creatio file design mode with command in Pkg directory

 clio new-pkg <PACKAGE_NAME> -r bin

Installing package

To install package from directory you can use the next command: for non compressed package in current folder

clio push-pkg <PACKAGE_NAME>

or for .gz packages you can use command:

clio push-pkg package.gz

or with full path

clio push-pkg C:\Packages\package.gz

for get installation log file specify report path parameter

clio push-pkg <PACKAGE_NAME> -r log.txt

Pull package from remote application

For download package to local file system from application use command:

clio pull-pkg <PACKAGE_NAME>

for pull package from non default application


Applies to Creatio 7.14.0 and up

Delete package

To delete package, use the next command:

clio delete-pkg-remote <PACKAGE_NAME>

for delete for non default application

clio delete-pkg-remote <PACKAGE_NAME> -e <ENVIRONMENT_NAME>

Compress package

For compress package into *.gz archive for directory which contain package folder

clio generate-pkg-zip <PACKAGE_NAME>

or you can specify full path for package and .gz file

clio generate-pkg-zip  C:\Packages\package -d C:\Store\package.gz

Extract package

For package from *.gz archive

clio extract-pkg-zip <package>.gz -d c:\Pkg\<package>

Get package list

To get packages list in selected environment, use the next command:

clio get-pkg-list

for filter results, use -f option

clio get-pkg-list -f clio

Set package version

Set a specified package version into descriptor.json by specified package path.

clio set-pkg-version <PACKAGE PATH> -v <PACKAGE VERSION>

NuGet Packages

Pack NuGet package

To pack creatio package to a NuGet package (*.nupkg), use the next command:

pack-nuget-pkg <CREATIO_PACKAGE_PATH> [--Dependencies <PACKAGE_NAME_1>[:<PACKAGE_VERSION_1>][,<PACKAGE_NAME_2>[:<PACKAGE_VERSION_2>],...]>] [--NupkgDirectory <NUGET_PACKAGE_PATH>]

Default value of 'PACKAGE_VERSION' argument it's last package version.

Default value of 'NupkgDirectory' argument it's current directory.

Push NuGet package

To push NuGet package (*.nupkg) to a NuGet repository, use the next command:


Restore NuGet package

To restore NuGet package (*.nupkg) to destination restoring package directory , use the next command:

restore-nuget-pkg  <PACKAGE_NAME>[:<PACKAGE_VERSION>] [--DestinationDirectory <DESTINATION_DIRECTORY>] [--Source <URL_NUGET_REPOSITORY>]

Default value of 'PACKAGE_VERSION' argument it's last package version.

Default value of 'DestinationDirectory' argument it's current directory.

Default value of 'Source' argument: https://www.nuget.org/api/v2

Install NuGet package

To install NuGet package to a web application Creatio, use the next command:

clio install-nuget-pkg <PACKAGE_NAME>[:<PACKAGE_VERSION>] [--Source <URL_NUGET_REPOSITORY>]

you can install NuGet package of last version:

clio install-nuget-pkg <PACKAGE_NAME> [--Source <URL_NUGET_REPOSITORY>]

for install several NuGet packages:

clio install-nuget-pkg <PACKAGE_NAME_1>[:<PACKAGE_VERSION_1>][,<PACKAGE_NAME_2>[:<PACKAGE_VERSION_2>],...]> [--Source <URL_NUGET_REPOSITORY>]

or you can install several NuGet packages of last versions:

clio install-nuget-pkg <PACKAGE_NAME_1>[,<PACKAGE_NAME_2>,...]> [--Source <URL_NUGET_REPOSITORY>]

Default value of 'PACKAGE_VERSION' argument it's last package version.

Default value of 'Source' argument: https://www.nuget.org/api/v2

Check packages updates in NuGet

To check Creatio packages updates in a NuGet repository, use the next command:

clio check-nuget-update [--Source <URL_NUGET_REPOSITORY>]

Default value of 'Source' argument: https://www.nuget.org/api/v2


Restart application

To restart Creatio application, use the next command for default environment:

clio restart-web-app

or for register application

clio restart-web-app <ENVIRONMENT_NAME>

Clear redis database

For default application

clio clear-redis-db

or non default application

clio clear-redis-db <ENVIRONMENT_NAME>

Environment settings

Environment is the set of configuration options. It consist of name, Creatio application URL, login and password.

Create/Update an environment

Register new application settings

clio reg-web-app <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> -u http://mysite.creatio.com -l administrator -p password

or update existing settings

clio reg-web-app <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> -u administrator -p password

Delete the existing environment

clio unreg-web-app <ENVIRONMENT_NAME>

Check environment

For validation existing environment setting you can use ping command


View application options

For view list of all applications

clio show-web-app-list

or for concrete application

clio show-web-app <ENVIRONMENT_NAME>

Open application

For open selected environment in default browser use (Windows only command)


Ping application

For check options fort selected environment use next command


Using for CI/CD systems

In CI/CD systems, you can specify configuration options directly when calling command:

clio restart -u http://mysite.creatio.com -l administrator -p password


Convert existing package to project

Convert package with name MyApp and MyIntegration, located in directory C:\Pkg

clio convert <PACKAGE_NAME>

Execute assembly

Execute code from assembly

clio execute-assembly-code -f myassembly.dll -t MyNamespace.CodeExecutor


Set references for project on src

clio ref-to src

Set references for project on application distributive binary files

clio ref-to bin

Execute custom SQL script

Execute custom SQL script on a web application

execute-sql-script "SELECT Id FROM SysSettings WHERE Code = 'CustomPackageId'"

Executes custom SQL script from specified file

execute-sql-script -f c:\Path to file\file.sql