
Copy data from one database to another with pseudonymization

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Copy data from one MongoDB database to another with pseudonymization

The usual setup is to have a local MongoDB database (see official documentation for installation instructions, and Compass for visual inspection). The script reads the connection parameters (source and destination database connections) from a .json file, and then copies the entries from all collections. Additionally, it performs pseudonymization to hide sensitive information. The configuration is done in the .json file. Pseudonymization in the current version simply replaces selected fields with strings mapping 1-to-1.

  1. Install Miniconda
  2. Create the environment: conda env create -f environment.yml
  3. Activate the new environment: conda activate mongo-copy-pseudonymize
  4. Edit your config file config.json (see config.json.template). The source_server is the MongoDB connection string for the original database, and source_database is the database name. destination_server and destination_database have the same format and define the target database. Please note that the --drop flag will erase the destination database! pseudonymize is a dictionary mapping colections to lists of fields to pseudonymize.
  5. Run python mongo_pseudonymize/__main__.py --config config.json. The --drop argument removes the target database.


  1. pip install -e .
  2. python -m mongo_pseudonymize