All code has been compiled and tested with Qt 5.6.3
It should work with Qt 5.9+ with little to no changes
Below are the git tag (divided by sub-project) to be used to get the various version of the sample code.
- 01-LookMa_Threads
- 01-thread-id
- 02-thread-names
- 02-ThreadSubclass
- 01-work-inside-started
- 02-work-inside-run
- 03-timer-started-from-wrong-thread
- 04-timer-direct-connection
- 05-timer-direct-queued
- 10-MoveToThread
- one-thread-one-worker
- one-thread-two-async-workers
- one-thread-two-sync-workers
- 20-threadPool
- autodelete-off
- autodelete-ownership-delete
- tp-crash
- tp-no-crash
- tp-no-crash-logs
- 30-Syncronization
- 01-unprotected-shared-resource
- 02-mutex-crash
- 03-global-mutex
- 04-mutex-deadlock
- 05-mutex-locker
- 06-talking-mutex-locker
- 07-mutex-copy
- 08-semaphore-101
- 09-rendevouz
- 50-qnetwokmanager.git
- 01-http-request
- 02-ftp-request
- 03-network-reply-error
- 04-url-authentication
- 05-authenticator
- 06-ssl-errors
- 07-ignore-ssl-errors
- 60-qhostinfo
- 01-sync-resolve
- 02-reverse-lookup
- 03-async-resolution
- 70-udp-socket
- 01-write-datagram
- 02-read-datagram
- 80-qssl-server
- 01-ssl-server-ok
- 90-tcp-socket
- 01-buggy-tcp-send
- 02-tcp-sender-fixed
- 03-ts-server
- 04-ssl-socket-errors
- 05-print-ssl-errors
- 06-ignore-ssl-errors