Ansible Mac Provisioning


This repository contains ansible roles to automatically install Software in a mac


  • oh-my-zsh: Configures oh my zsh for the mac terminal with the plugins and fonts I use. It also installs iTerm2
  • java: Installs SDK Man and the Java and Maven versions specified in the playbook file.
  • node: Installs NVM and the specified Node version in the playbook file.
  • python: Installs PyEnv and the selected Python version in the playbook file.
  • vscode: Installs Visual Studio Code and the chosen plugins, specified in the playbook file.
  • hombrew: Installs the homebrew packages, the homebrew cask packages and the Mac App Store packages specified in the playbook file.


Before using this tools you must install homebrew and ansible

Once you have installed homebrew, the easiest way to install ansible is via homebrew:

brew install ansible

How to use it

Review the Playbook file and make sure it's what you need. You can tweak it adding or removing packages, deactivating roles or changing versions.

Run it:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml