The intention of this project is to have an initial setup on a clean Mac. However, you can choose what section to install (rvm, brew, brew packages, brew cask packages,npm packages, atom packages, oh-my-zsh configuration...).
Just run
file in a terminal.
It executes \curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
so you get rvm and the latest ruby stable.
Uses ruby to install it with
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Those are the packages it will install. Feel free to comment any line to avoid installing it
android-platform-tools, ant, autoconf, automake, brew-cask, cabextract, closure-linter, coreutils, ffmpeg, geoip, gettext, ghostscript, git, glib, gmp, gnutls, grep, heroku-toolbelt, htop, hub, imagemagick, keybase, libgcrypt, libffi, libtasn1, mongo, nettle, nmap, openssl, optipng, pcre, phantomjs, protobuf, python, ssh-copy-id, tree, vim, wget, xz
Those are the packages it will install. Feel free to comment any line to avoid installing it
atom, boot2docker, calibre, chromecast, dropbox, evernote, firefox, flash, google-chrome, google-earth, gpgtools, inkscape, iterm2, java, jdownloader, karabiner, microsoft-lync, macvim, phpstorm, popcorn-time, qbittorrent, radiant-player, silverlight, skype, slack, sourcetree, spectacle, spotify, steam, sublime-text, techstoreclub-simple-comic, the-unarchiver, tomighty, tunnelblick, vagrant, virtualbox, vlc, wireshark-dev
Those are the packages it will install. Feel free to comment any line to avoid installing it
yo (generator-polymer also), bower, eslint, grunt-cli, gulp, less, coffee-script, jshint, node-inspector, babel, yarn, vue-cli, n
Those are the packages it will install. Feel free to comment any line to avoid installing it
activate-power-mode, atom-clock, color-picker, linter, linter-eslint, linter-jshint, merge-conflicts, minimap, python-debugger
It runs the following command
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
It will copy .zshrc
and .zshrc.d
to your $HOME, .gitconfig
with several aliases, .bowerrc
, .screenrc
, .vimrc
and .vim
, and maybe more stuff in a future.
It also adds an alias mac-init
which you can launch from anwhere to update your stuff
### Other stuff
It also allows you to update everything (brew, cask, node, npm, npm packages and apm packages) and to clean caches generated by these commands.