NodeMCU Plant Party

This is a project to monitor the health of your plants and watering them when necessary, using a NodeMCU, a Capacity Soil Moisture Sensor v1.2, and several other things that we will document later.

It will send the data to a nodejs and display it in a web page.

You will see a graph with the moisture of the plant


A table with the sensor data sent


And a table with the events sent from the telegram bot, to note what you did, like changing deepSleep time, changing the battery or watering the plant


It will also send a message to a telegram bot with the moisture information

And lastly, it will send the data to an InfluxDB database, so you can use Influx UI, Chronograf and/or Grafana to display the data:



  • NodeMCU
  • Capacity Soil Moisture Sensor v1.2
  • Battery (not a powerbank, they usually poweroff and can't work with DeepSleep)
  • rPi

How to configure and run the server

  • Install Docker and Docker Compose
  • Modify file server/init-mongo.js and change user and password there
  • Modify the server/.env file and change the values there
  • Go to the server directory and run docker-compose up -d

How to configure and run the NodeMCU

  • Modify under esp32/config.h the following values:

    • DRY
    • WET
    • SENSOR_1_PIN
    • SENSOR_2_PIN
    • SENSOR_3_PIN
    • SENSOR_4_PIN
    • SENSOR_5_PIN
  • Modify under esp32/configNet.h the following values:

    • TZ_INFO
    • CHAT_ID
  • Upload the code to the NodeMCU

How to use the Node server

  • Go to http://localhost:3000 to see the data
  • Go to http://localhost:3000/json to see the data in JSON format
    • You can filter the data by adding the following parameters:
      • ?sensor=name-of-the-sensor
      • ?from=2022-01-01
      • ?to=2022-12-31
      • ?limit=10
      • ?sort=asc
      • ?sort=desc
      • ?name=name-of-the-sensor&from=2022-01-01&to=2022-12-31&limit=10&sort=asc....
  • To push data to the server, you can use the following command:
    • curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"sensor": "sensor-name", "data": {"moisture": 22}}' http://localhost:3000/send-data

How to configure InfluxDB

  • Go to http://localhost:8086/
  • Create a new user and password, and put plant_bucket as the default bucket.
  • Go to Dashboards
  • Click on Create Dashboard -> Import Dashboard, and import the file dashboards/INFLUX_UI_PLANT_PARTY.json
  • Go to the dashboard and you will see the data

How to configure Chronograf

  • Go to http://localhost:8888/
  • Go to configuration and edit the current influxdb config
    • Enable InfluxDB v2 Auth
    • Put the organization id and token that you got in InfluxDB site
    • Update the Connection
  • Go to Dashboards
  • Click on import dashboard, and import the file dashboards/CHRONOGRAF_PLANT_PARTY.json
  • Go to the dashboard and you will see the data

