
Python3 script to run searches in wallapop and keep searching waiting for new results

Primary LanguagePython


Quick proyect for OSX in Python3 to search for products in Wallapop, save them in pickle files and keep searching every X seconds (60 by default) to monitorize for new products. It will warn you when a new product is found with a notification in the system. If you find the text a it will create a file a.pickle with the results, so when you search for it again it will only show the new results.


~/wallasearch (master ✔)  pip3 install -r requirements.txt
~/wallasearch (master ✔)  python3 wallasearch.py

# Author:   Sergio Ruiz                        #
# Github:   @serginator                        #
USAGE: python3 wallasearch.py -s <terms_to_search>

  -h, --help
  -s, --search <terms> (if more than one word, use quotes)
  -t, --time <time> (default 60, in seconds)
      --city <city> (default Madrid)
      --country <country_code> (default ES)
      --telegram (send Telegram notification)
      --osx (send OSX notification)

~/wallasearch  python3 wallasearch.py -s "Lovecraft"
Searching Lovecraft...
New items:

Cthulhu 6 figuras de resina - 15.0
Juego de LOVECRAFT - 25.0
Lovecraft  - 5.0

Searching Lovecraft...


In the script file there are three constants that you can modify

# default
LOOP_TIME = 60; # seconds between executions by default
USER_CITY = "Madrid"; # city to search by default
COUNTRY_CODE = "ES"; # country code to search by default

Notifying through OSX

Just add --osx to the command line and it will send a notification to your OSX desktop.

Notifying through Telegram

Just add --telegram to the command line and it will send a notification to your Telegram.

You also need to create a bot (@BotFather), get it's token and your internal id (@RawDataBot), and add it to the .env file. Add them to the .env file.


Adding search term in .env

You can add a the term to search in the .env file to avoid typing it every time.
