
Ansible reproducible environment for Windows + WSL Ubuntu.

Primary LanguageShell

Ansible Windows + WSL Ubuntu

Ansible WindowsRM

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

For Windows.

ansible-playbook playbooks/setup.yml --ask-vault-pass

For WSL Ubuntu.

pip install ansible
ansible-pull -U https://github.com/sergio-asenjo/ansible.git main.yml --ask-become-pass --ask-vault-password


  • Chrome seems to constantly have checksum problems over Chocolatey.
  • For the role ccdc.debloat_windows, might have to migrate remove_onedrive since there's a problem with an after check.
  • Might want to double-check if anything is interfering with the capability for videos. After debloating and installing Firefox, videos on certain pages other than YouTube seem to not be able to load, as well as certain types of images.
  • A catch for stuff needs to be added.
  • roles/win-debloat/task/main.yml should be removed as it serves no purpose since it was moved into playbooks/setup.yml directly.
  • Need to double-check if there's any manual installers missing to include in tasks/manual-installers.yml.
  • A windows terminal config file can be added to files to replicate configs (settings.json), but I need to figure out a correct path for it.
  • Fonts need to properly go into the Fonts folder after download.
  • There's a GPG section missing.