
Nodejs TypeScript/JavaScript wrapper around National Bank of Georgia official RSS Feed with exchange rates

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Nodejs TypeScript/JavaScript wrapper around official National Bank of Georgia RSS Feed with exchange rates


  • convert from any currency in the list to another (through georgian lari)
  • cache
  • periodical/live update

There are one main method:

convert(currencyFrom, currencyTo, amount) / convertSync(currencyFrom, currencyTo, amount) - converts specified amount (by default 1) from one to another currency


  • Rates will be updated only when methods is called (if cache is expired):
import NbgRates from 'nbg-exchange-rates'
import { Currency } from 'nbg-exchange-rates' // Currency type

// Don't automatically updaty in background
// Update only when some of methods is called
let liveUpdate = false
// Set cache to be valid for 10 minutes (600 seconds)
let lifeTime = 600

let nbg: NbgRates = new NbgRates(lifeTime, liveUpdate)

// sample of main code
;(async function () {
    let currencyFrom: Currency = "USD"
    let currencyTo: Currency = "RUB"
    let amount = 100
    let result = await nbg.convert(currencyFrom, currencyTo, amount)
    console.log(`100 ${currencyFrom} equals ${result.toFixed(2)} ${currencyTo}, according to NBoG rates`)
  • Rates will be updated in background periodically:
import NbgRates from 'nbg-exchange-rates'
import { Currency } from 'nbg-exchange-rates'

// Don't automatically updaty in background
// Update only when some of methods is called
let liveUpdate = true
// Set cache to be valid for 10 minutes (600 seconds)
// When liveUpdate is set to true
// this also sets the period for automatical backround update
let lifeTime = 600

let nbg: NbgRates = new NbgRates(lifeTime, liveUpdate)

// main code
;(async function () {
    await nbg.updatingPromise // TO BE SURE THAT DATA IS READY
    let currencyFrom: Currency = "USD"
    let currencyTo: Currency = "GEL"
    let amount = 100
    let result = nbg.convertSync(currencyFrom, currencyTo, amount)
    console.log(`100 ${currencyFrom} equals ${result.toFixed(2)} ${currencyTo}, according to NBoG rates`)