
Get the weather via an LLM using Structured Extraction

Primary LanguageRuby


An app to check the weather in a given location. The location form is powered by the Google places API. It auto-completes the location as the user types. The app also uses OpenAI's gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 model via their API. The AI model is used to generate a summary of the weather in the given location.

It uses Tailwind CSS for styling, Hotwire/Stimulus for JS, SQLite for the database and RSpec for testing.

AI Functionality

The app uses the OpenAI API to generate a summary of the weather in the given location. The app makes a special POST request to the OpenAI API with the weather data as the prompt. The API then returns a summary of the weather in the given location. The app then displays the summary to the user. It uses a new prompting technique called "Structured Extraction" that has been enabled by the OpenAI API function calling capabilities. See https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/function-calling


The app uses Rails credentials to store the API keys. I have included the encrypted credentials file in the repo and will provide the key in email to brharvey email. You can use my api keys for testing purposes, but I recommend setting up your own keys. Setting up the Google places api key is somewhat involved becauses you have to assign the proper permissions to the api key. To update the credentials, run the following command:

EDITOR="nano" rails credentials:edit

Then add the following keys:

google_maps_api_key: <your_google_places_api_key>
openai_api_key: <your_openai_api_key>

Quick Start

Install the dependencies:

bundle install

Create the database:

rails db:setup

Start the server:

foreman start -f Procfile.dev

Then visit

Ruby version
