This is a simply Twitch bot oriented to provide useful features for Tech Talks
Copy .env.example
to .env
and update the values
Bot user name
Twitch Oauth token. Can generate it on Be sure the user logged to generate this token is the channel owner in order to have higher chat publish rate.
Channel where the bot will publish and observe
Time in seconds to cold down every command, in this time the bot only will publish once for every command
Time in second for sending the help message to chat. **0 disables the automatic command **
Ids of the disabled commands (separated by commas)
If true, disables the chat logger
Copy or rename all data/*.json.example
to data/*.json
and edit this files to configure every command
Build and then run
$ go build cmd/main.go -o bot
$ ./bot
# or
$ go run cmd/main.go
$ go build -o bot.exe
$ bot.exe
The bot will say to the chat on start and every COMMAND_HELP_EVERY
s the list of the available commands
If its 0 no help command
Every command has its own cold down time to avoid flooding the chat
Say the list of meetup/event speakers!videos
Say the last video, and the youtube channel from Vigotech.json or /data/videos.json!eventos
Say upcomming events Vigotech.json or /data/events.json
Editing data/text.json
you can define multiple commands that responds with a simple text:
"command": "descripcion",
"text": "2021 es un año que tiene ...."
for example:
* !descripcion
Say the meetup/event description
Create a new file in commands/
Command must return a pointer to struct
type Command struct {
Id string // Unique id
Name string // Command
client *twitch.Client // Pointer to client
handler func(client *twitch.Client, message twitch.PrivateMessage) error
The easy way to do that is create and "Constructor"
func NewYourCommand(client *twitch.Client) *Command {
return &Command{
Id: "your-command-id",
Name: "your-command",
client: client,
handler: func(client *twitch.Client, message twitch.PrivateMessage) error {
// Do things
return nil
In the file commands/commands.go
add the new command struct to the function get commands
func GetCommands (client *twitch.Client) []*Command {
return []*Command{