
In this project you could see an example with clean architecture using flutter. Please, take in account, this is not the Bible, is just my approach, my vision of how it should be. I'm opening to discuss with everyone about this :)

The architecture

In this architecture we have 3 main folders

  • Domain: Which includes everything regarding the domain logic of the app, it must also contain the domain models
  • Data: In this folder, we will include every class that should manage (or be managed) by the repository pattern
  • View: Widgets and ViewModels, that's all, so the presentation logic must be here


Software patterns

  • MVVM (Model View View Model)
  • Repository

Libraries used

  • stacked
  • http
  • sqflite
  • get_it

Dependency injection

Ok... well, there is no dependency injection, we have a Service Locator, which is provided by get_it




I use this architecture because I think it is the best for developing robust applications, I encourage you to launch a pull request but with using Provider, Bloc, GetX or whatever, it will be helpful!! :)