
Penetration Test Tool. JCrunch is a wordlist generator where you can modify a dcitionary and add a number as suffix generating all possible combinations.

Primary LanguageJava


Penetration Test Tool. JCrunch is a wordlist generator where you can modify a dictionary and add a number as suffix generating all possible combinations. Useful to generate words like: Jim1943, james007 or ser2018.

Compile and generate .jar file

  • mvn package


  • -normalize or -n: normalize words (lower case and escape characters)
  • -cut_words or -c: cut words to a given length
  • -add_num_min or -x: concatenate a number as a suffix after words (minimum)
  • -add_num_max or -y: concatenate a number as a suffix after words (maximum)
  • -wordlist or -w: wordlist file
  • -first_word or -f: begins with this WORD from the wordlist
  • -prefix_wordlist or -p: prefix wordlist file
  • -suffix_wordlist or -s: suffix wordlist file
  • -left_pad or -l: complete number with ZEROS
  • -encoding or -e: encoding of wordlist files

Execution Examples

  • java -jar jcrunch.jar -normalize -cut_words 4 -wordlist nombres_propios.txt -add_num_min 0 -add_num_max 9999
  • java -jar jcrunch.jar -n -c 4 -w nombres_propios.txt -x 0 -y 9999
  • java -jar jcrunch.jar -n -c 4 -w nombres_propios.txt -x 0 -y 9999 | aircrack-ng --bssid aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa -w- handshakefile.cap
  • java -jar jcrunch.jar -w prefixes.txt -x 1000000 -y 5000000 -s suffixes.txt > my_dictionary.txt
  • java -Xmx2g -jar jcrunch.jar -p ../Diccionarios/fibertel_prefijos.txt -w ../Diccionarios/cuits_generados.txt