In this demo I'll show you how to create a PostgreSQL cluster with the Red Hat OpenShift operator called EDB Postgres for Kubernetes. The features that I want to show you are:
- Kubernetes plugin install
- EDB Postgres for Kubernetes operator install
- Postgres cluster install
- Insert data in the cluster
- Switchover (promote)
- Failover
- Backup & Recovery (in a S3 Minio platform)
- Scale out/down
- Rolling updates (minor and major)
- Point In Time Recovery (PITR)
- Fencing
- Replication slots (for HA)
- Monitoring (Prometheus/Grafana)
- Operator upgrade
- Last EDB Postgres for Kubernetes tested version is 1.20.2
- Red Hat OpenShift environment (Red Hat Code Ready also works)
- oc (OpenShift CLI installed)
- jq (optional if you want to format JSON logs outputs)
Execute commands in the correct order:
Open a new session and execute:
Go back to the previous session and execute:
Major upgrade feature has been introduced in 1.16 version. In this demo I show you how to upgrade your cluster from PosgreSQL v13 to v14.
Or upgrade your current cluster:
cd monitoring
To connect to Grafana dashboard: http://localhost:3000
- User: admin
- Password: prom-operator
To connect to Prometheus dashboard: http://localhost:9090
cd minio
The server is accessible via web console at:
Here some Open Shift Code Ready commands:
#Use the 'oc' command line interface:
eval $(crc oc-env)
oc login -u developer https://api.crc.testing:6443
# Clean environment
crc delete -f
crc cleanup
# Setup environment
crc setup
crc config set cpus 12
crc config set consent-telemetry no
crc config set memory 16384
crc config set preset openshift
# Start crc
crc start
# Connect to OpenShift platform as admin
oc login -u kubeadmin https://api.crc.testing:6443