
Install a service into Finder, to serve a folder using PHP by right-clicking on it

PHP Server as a Mac OS Finderservice

This Apple Script launches a PHP webserver by right clicking on a folder in Mac Finder.

You can install it using Automator as a service into Finder, then run it with a right click. It will launch a terminal window, and run: php -S localhost:8080

If the port is taken, it increments it by one until the next available one.

The original script was developed by Scott Garner to use python SimpleHTTPServer. I just modded it to run PHP.


To use, just download this file, then double click and let Automator install it in the appropiate folder (~Library/Services)

Next, go to the folder you want to serve, rigth click, and select PHP Server, like in the following image

alt tag

This will start the server and open your default browser to the proper local URL and port.