This project implements a simple challenge between 2 or more programming language for knowing which is the most popular between Search Engines.
- Console application.
- 2 search engines (Google and Bing).
- 1 file with useful keys for the application (gotten from App.config).
- Visual Studio 2019 - Community Edition
- .Net Core 3.1
- Application console
- C# programming language
- Google Search - API
- Bing Search v7 - API
- Newtonsoft and System.Text.Json for deserializing JSON into C# objects
- Serializing and Deserializing objects.
- Asynchronous tasks.
- Consuming APIs.
- Search engines.
- Collections.
- Interfaces.
- Inheritance.
- Overriding (Overwrite methods).
- StringBuilders.
- JSON and Dynamic objects.
- Lambda expressions.
- Handling exceptions.
- Install VS 2019 Community Edition and .Net Core 3.1 in your computer.
- Clone this repository using git clone command and open the SearchFight.NetCore.sln file.
- With a Google account, sign in and go to Google - Programmable Search Engine (GPSE).
- Go to your GPSE Console: Create a new Search Engine for any website, copy your Search ID and replace the variable GOOGLE_CX value in the App.config file (which is in the Search.Engine directory).
- Go to your Google Developer Console: Click in Get a Key, copy your Key and replace the variable GOOGLE_KEY value in the App.config file (mentioned above).
- With a Microsoft account, sign in and create an Azure Account.
- Go to your Azure Console: Create a Bing Search v7, copy one of the Keys and replace the variable BING_OCP_APIM_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY value in the App.config file.
- Press F5 to compile and start the solution.
- In a Command Prompt Move to directory SearchFight.NetCore/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/.
- Run this example:
SearchFight.NetCoreApp.exe "c sharp" python ruby perl
- For running tests, open de solution with Visual Studio 2019, go to menu Test and click in Test Explorer. After that, in the auxiliar window, click in Run. (Make sure that compile before to run the tests).
👤 Sergio Zambrano
- Github: @sergiomauz
- Twitter: @sergiomauz
- Linkedin: Sergio Zambrano
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!. Feel free to check the issues page.
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This project is MIT licensed.