
Simple ruby client for ok.ru (like fb.com but orange and in Russia only for moms and dads) thru watir-webdriver. Based on idea and almost working example from https://github.com/MEDBEDb/save_images_ondoklassniki

Primary LanguageRuby


Simple ruby client for ok.ru (like fb.com but orange and in Russia only) as a response to my dad's wish to download all 1000+ photos to the disk.

As it my first expirience with ruby I asked google on the question and found almost working example from https://github.com/MEDBEDb/save_images_ondoklassniki.

I tried to rework procedure-style client based on watir-webdriver to preferrable fluent style of API based on pattern PageObject. Of course, exact gem page-object I found when finished :).

require_relative 'odnoklassniki_client.rb'

login = 'sample_login'
password = 'sample_password'
profile_id = 'profile_id'

client = OdnoklassnikiClient.new
             .login(login, password)

profile_page = client.profile(profile_id).open

@workspace = Workspace.new(profile_id)


profile_page.albums.each { |album|


Don't ask why - the quality of downloaded back images is awful. It was couple of hours of fun experience with new language and looking pretty neat IDE Rubymine.