Echo API

The Echo API is a versatile and very simple web server that provides an echo feature (echoes whatever you send to it). Under the hood, it implements a layered architecture on top of Echo Framework, GORM and SQLite.

Table of Contents

Local prerequisites

There are two ways to make this app run locally:

  • Natively, using Golang 1.21.1 (Must be installed in your computer)
  • Through Kubernetes, using Docker Desktop, its native Kubernetes cluster enabled and kubectl. (This way only tested in MacOS)

You'll find the necessary Kubernetes declarative files to make this app run in your local cluster under resources/local-deployment/kubernetes/

Local execution

  • Running this app natively:

    • From the root folder of this repo, execute go mod tidy.
    • Execute go run cmd/main.go to run the web server, which exposes the application through localhost:8080
    • Execute go test ./... to run unit tests.
  • Running this app inside your local Kubernetes cluster:

    • From the root folder of this repo, execute ./
    • Run option 1 to build the Docker image
    • Run option 2 to set the API configmap and launch the API pod (it exposes the app through localhost:30001)
    • Run option 3 whenever you've finished to terminate the pod and remove configmap.


  • /v0/docs/ -> Swagger.
  • /v0/echo/ -> Creates an echo resource.
  • /v0/whats-echoed/ -> Returns echo instances created so far.