Presentations based on the paper [2408.01720]:
- YITP-cosmology-seminar (2nd part of the talk)
Presentations based on the paper [2301.10272]:
- YITP-cosmology-seminar (1st part of the talk)
- Gravity&Cosmology-YITP-Kyoto (video)
- LISA-special-topics
- NEB20-Athens
- BritGrav23
- theoretical-cosmology-seminar-ICG
- black-hole-types: types of black holes in GR and beyond (coordinates, Carter-Penrose diagrams, no-hair theorems).
- stability-John: summarising calculations of [1510.07400] regarding the stability of black hole solutions with a time-dependent scalar in shift + reflection symmetric scalar tensor theories.
- einstein-in-spain: historical context and main events of Einstein's 1923 visit to Spain.
- gravitational-waves (video): public talk on gravitational waves for the Royal Observatory Greenwich.
Handwirtten notes are made with notability in an iPad.