
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



  1. basic setup with go modules, based on https://doc.getqor.com/get_started.html
  2. follow bindatafs README.md https://github.com/qor/bindatafs:
    • install GO111MODULE=off go get -u -f github.com/qor/bindatafs/...
      have to disable go modules, to have bindatafs be compiled to $GOPATH/bin/bindatafs.
      bindatafs is a CLI;
    • initialize bindatafs with bindatafs config/bindatafs;
    • add config/compile/compile.go;
      see https://github.com/qor/bindatafs#using-namespace.
      some QOR modules are use assetfs namespaces;
    • import config/bindatafs to main.go for side effect purpose.
  3. run/build with bindatafs:
    first you need to execute go run config/compile/compile.go to compile registered paths into binary. after templates were successfully compiled config/bindatafs/templates_bindatafs.go file appears.

make build - produces casual build
make build_bindatafs - produces build with built in templates