
Platform.sh documentation

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Platform.sh documentation

Platform.sh is a powerful new cloud solution for Continuous Integration and Hosting of PHP websites (with specific integrated support for Symfony, Drupal and other frameworks). This is the official documentation on how to use Platform.sh.

It frees you from the traditional development / staging / production workflow giving you a full testing environment, an exact replica of production, for every git branch.

A new staging takes less then a minute to create. Developers can focus on Code. QA and Project managers on features. Every user story can have its own development and testing environments. You can test each change in isolation bringing down lead time and shortening the release cycle for new features from weeks to hours. Platform.sh is a fully managed and fully integrated system. To get an instance of MySQL, Solr, Redis, ElasticSearch, MongoDB and so on.. you just add a single line in a configuration file. Our enterprise offering adds high-availability features and white-glove support, perfect for high traffic e-commerce and media web sites.

To fully benefit from Platform.sh, it's recommended to install the CLI (Command Line Interface).