
Laravel JWT Impersonate is a plugin that allows you to authenticate as your users with JWT authentication in a REST API app.

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel JWT Impersonate

DISCLAIMER: This is a fork of lab404/laravel-impersonate patched to work with JWTAuth in a REST API application. I'll Always recommend you to use the original component.

Laravel JWT Impersonate makes it easy to authenticate as your users. Add a simple trait to your user model and impersonate as one of your users in one click.


  • Laravel >= 5.8
  • PHP >= 7.1
  • JWT-Auth >= dev-develop


  • Require it with Composer:
composer require rickycezar/laravel-jwt-impersonate
  • Add the service provider at the end of your config/app.php:
'providers' => [
    // ...
  • Add the trait Rickycezar\Impersonate\Models\Impersonate to your User model.

Simple usage

Impersonate a user:

$token = Auth::user()->impersonate($other_user);
// You're now logged as the $other_user and the authentication token is stored in $token.

Leave impersonation:

$token = Auth::user()->leaveImpersonation();
// You're now logged as your original user and the authentication token is stored in $token.

Using the built-in controller

In your routes file you can call the impersonate route macro if you want to use the built-in controller.


Alternatively, you can execute this macro with your RouteServiceProvider.

namespace App\Providers;

class RouteServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function map() {
        Route::middleware('web')->group(function (Router $router) {
// Where $id is the ID of the user you want impersonate
route('impersonate', $id) //the url path is "impersonate/take/{id}".
// Generate an URL to leave current impersonation
route('impersonate.leave') //the url path is "impersonate/leave".
// Check the current user impersonation status
route('impersonate.info') //the url path is "impersonate/info".

Advanced Usage

Defining impersonation authorization

By default all users can impersonate an user.
You need to add the method canImpersonate() to your user model:

     * @return bool
    public function canImpersonate()
        // For example
        return $this->is_admin == 1;

By default all users can be impersonated.
You need to add the method canBeImpersonated() to your user model to extend this behavior:

     * @return bool
    public function canBeImpersonated()
        // For example
        return $this->can_be_impersonated == 1;

Using your own strategy

It is possible to implement your own controller to deal with impersonation:

use Rickycezar\Impersonate\Services\ImpersonateManager;

class ImpersonateController extends Controller
    protected $manager;
    // Dependency Injection
    public function __construct(ImpersonateManager $manager)
        $this->manager = $manager;

    public function impersonate(){ /*....*/ }
    public function leave(){ /*....*/ }
class ImpersonateController extends Controller
    protected $manager;
    //Direct app call
    public function __construct()
        $this->manager = app('impersonate');

    public function impersonate(){ /*....*/ }
    public function leave(){ /*....*/ }
  • Working with the manager:
$manager = app('impersonate');

// Find a user by its ID

// TRUE if you are impersonating an user.

// Impersonate a user. Pass the original user and the user you want to impersonate. Returns authentication token
$token = $manager->take($from, $to);

// Leave current impersonation. Returns authentication token
$token = $manager->leave();

// Get the impersonator ID


Protect From Impersonation

You can use the middleware impersonate.protect to protect your routes against user impersonation.
This middleware can be useful when you want to protect specific pages like users subscriptions, users credit cards, ...

Router::get('/my-credit-card', function() {
    echo "Can't be accessed by an impersonator";


There are six possible exceptions thrown by the service:

  • AlreadyImpersonatingException is thrown when an impersonator tries to take another persona without leaving the first one.
  • CantBeImpersonatedException is thrown when the method canBeImpersonated() fails.
  • CantImpersonateException is thrown when the method canImpersonate() fails.
  • CantImpersonateSelfException is thrown when an user tries to impersonate self.
  • NotImpersonatingException is thrown when an user tries to leave an impersonation without being impersonating.
  • ProtectedFromImpersonationException is thrown when an impersonator tries to get access to a route protected by the middleware.

Each exception have a message and a status code available through the respective methods getErrorMessage() and getErrorCode().


There are two events available that can be used to improve your workflow:

  • TakeImpersonation is fired when an impersonation is taken.
  • LeaveImpersonation is fired when an impersonation is left.

Each events returns two properties $event->impersonator and $event->impersonated containing a User model isntance.


The package comes with a configuration file.

Publish it with the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=impersonate

Available options:

    // The custom claim key used to store the original user id in the JWT token.
    'session_key' => 'impersonated_by',
    // The alias for the authentication middleware to be used in the routes.
    'auth_alias' => 'auth',
