Julia source code for the chapter titled “Nonlocal continuum modeling of nanostructures” by Ekrem TUFEKCI and Serhan Aydın AYA for the upcoming book "Experimental characterization, predictive mechanical and thermal modeling of nanostructures and their polymer composite” published by Elsevier in April 2018.
The main function is the freqTab
. This function is created for a parametric analysis in mind: The effects of slenderness ratio (Λ), opening angle of the beam (θT), and small-scale (R0/γ) can be investigated. We can calculate nondimensional frequencies for specific conditions as the example given here:
If we want to determine the nondimensional frequency for the first and second mode of a nonlocal beam (in-plane vibration analysis) having slenderness ratio of Λ=150, opening angle θT=120 and small scale parameter R0/γ=1 where γ=1.56 nm we will follow the given steps:
julia> Pkg.clone("git@github.com:serhanaya/Nvib.jl")
julia> analysis1 = IPBeam() # In-plane analysis
julia> nondimfrq = freqTab(analysis1, min_lambda=150, max_lambda=150, no_lambda=1, min_rad0=1.56,
max_rad0=1.56, no_rad0=1, min_thetat=2pi/3, max_thetat=2pi/3, no_thetat=1, min_step=0,
max_step=10e10, size_step=2, tolerance=1e-6, iter_max=10000, no_of_roots=2)
julia> nondimfrq[1, 1, 1, :] # gives an array consist of the nondimensional frequencies for the
# first and second mode.