Output of the tree command, with line-by-line annotations as to what the files do.
|-- .env.dummy # Template for .env; use to keep private API keys out of git repo<br/>
|-- .pgpass # Username/password file for local Postgres install<br/>
|-- .gitignore # Define files (like .env) that won't be committed to git<br/>
|-- Procfile # Specify what script is run on Heroku<br/>
|-- README.md # Markdown documentation; formatted for github<br/>
|-- index.html # Main page, with CSS/JS/img assets imported via link<br/>
|-- models <br/>
| |-- index.js # Instantiate db object, connect to remote/local postgres<br/>
| |-- order.js # Mapping between Postgres table and fields of Order JS object<br/>
|-- package.json # Define which npm modules are needed; used for Heroku deploy<br/>
|-- pgsetup.sh # Set up local Postgres db from .pgpass for use by index.js<br/>
|-- setup-ssjs.sh # Set up npm, heroku, and postgres for the app to run<br/>
|-- views <br/>
|-- orders.ejs # template for displaying Order instances as HTML<br/>
|-- web.js # Main express app; defines /, /order, and /refresh_order routes<br/>