Tasks App

I've completed a todo task management application to practice and strengthen my skills in frontend development and state management with redux-toolkit and redux-saga.

You can check the live demo here.


Adding New Tasks: Enter the task details and press enter or click on the "Add" button to include it in your todo list.

Editing Tasks: Click on the edit icon button and it will become editable. Update the details and press enter to save changes or click elsewhere on the screen to exit editing mode.

Deleting Tasks: Remove a task by clicking on the "Delete" button beside each task.

Checking off Tasks: Tick the checkbox next to each task to mark it as complete. This action strikes through the completed task, making it easier to distinguish.

Deleting All Tasks: Erase all completed tasks at once by clicking on the "Clear All" button. This action will remove all the tasks from your list.

Persistent Storage: The app utilizes local storage, so your tasks persist even after refreshing the page or revisiting the app. Your tasks will be there until you manually delete them.