
Appium-Python-Client 4.0.0 breaks this package.

rasjani opened this issue · 5 comments

Some asked about a problem in RF forums

In their installed packages, Appium-Python-Client was reported to be 4.0.0 which was released yesterday.

On this project''s, that dependency is asked to be anything newer than so once 4.0.0 got released and it had deprecated some features (TouchAction) in this case, AppiumLibrary importing into robot framework fails.

Anyone bumping into this problem before rasjani@9f325a7 is published, you can locally downgrade Appium-Python-Client to pre-4.0.0 version with pip install --force-reinstall "Appium-Python-Client<4.0.0"

We've run into this issue also. Please fix it as soon as possible.

h3tz commented

We've run into this issue also. Please fix it as soon as possible.


Tive o mesmo problema só que no linux.
A solução foi desinstalar a versão 4.0.0 e instalar uma mais antiga. Instalei a 3.0.0 e voltou a funcionar normalmente. Acredito que a versão anterior a 4.0.0 também funcione bem.

fixed with #398