AppiumLibrary is an appium testing library for RobotFramework
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gives an error for xpath" (//div[contains(@class,'no-result-contact-info')]/p)[1]" InvalidArgumentException:
#411 opened by prakashAadhirai - 0
Keywords with assertions (containing `Should`) should have argument `error/message`
#441 opened by tchudobova-cen69317 - 0
Adding timeout to `Go To Url` keyword
#440 opened by tchudobova-cen69317 - 2
No WebView Context in "Get Contexts" result
#403 opened by yullyayu01 - 1
Bug: Scroll Element Into View KW throws an exception
#439 opened by Dor-bl - 1
404 error on documentation link
#437 opened by ps1logi - 1
How to fix “request was received using an HTTP method that is not supported by the mapped resource” error
#436 opened by ps1logi - 1
Library not detected by PyCharm
#431 opened by cminornocturne - 1
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Compatibility issues with latest "selenium" package
#435 opened by axiom41 - 4
Make polling interval for Wait Until keywords configurable as timeout currently is implemented.
#384 opened by emmanouil-koutras - 1
Session Not Created Due to Invalid 'disableIdLocatorAutocompletion' Setting Value Type
#432 opened by devmrcs - 1
Appium Swipe does not work in Mac
#427 opened by GitAnushaa - 1
WebDriverException: Message: The requested resource could not be found, or a request was received using an HTTP method that is not supported by the mapped resource
#425 opened by sumayyashaji12 - 2
Swipe/scroll keywords are not working with appiumlibrary when appium server updated to 2.5.1
#423 opened by shreyapz - 4
Start Screen Recording : AttributeError: 'WebDriver' object has no attribute 'desired_capabilities'
#413 opened by mastafungus - 5
Appium-Python-Client 4.0.0 breaks this package.
#417 opened by rasjani - 2
getting Error "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'appium.webdriver.common.touch_action' " during launch application
#424 opened by Suphakorn95 - 2
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Failed to import allium.webdriver.common.touch-action after installing latest version of Appium-Python-Client (4.0.0)
#422 opened by KulacTM - 1
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Swipe By Percent error: AttributeError: 'WebDriver' object has no attribute 'desired_capabilities'
#415 opened by mopitithomne - 3
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Can't locate elements with extra space in the value when using accessibility_id
#412 opened by Dor-bl - 1
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Open Application not working with Selenium 4.10+ (unexpected keyword argument 'desired_capabilities')
#404 opened by gucsantana - 1
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!!!! Doc Links are broken !!!!
#392 opened by v1v3kls - 1
Support for Appium 2?
#394 opened by 4nif - 2
AppiumLibrary2.0 Close Application
#395 opened by jyjunyin - 0
Attach screenshot to xunit.xml for Azure DevOps
#400 opened by 1000Reasons - 0
Appium V2 Application Keyword not working
#399 opened by antlucerna - 0
Execute Script is not implemented
#396 opened by thangtcq - 1
ValueError: Timeout value connect was <object object at >, but it must be an int, float or None
#393 opened by v1v3kls - 1
add implicit wait keyword
#385 opened by TrN003 - 1
ValueError: Timeout value connect was <object object at >, but it must be an int, float or None.
#391 opened by v1v3kls - 4
Element locator with prefix 'nsp' is not supported
#388 opened by zastress - 0
Set Clipboard Value keyword
#389 opened by LaurensdeVries - 2
Capture Screen recording for more that 10 mins
#387 opened by FWDQK - 1
[Android][Deprecated Keywords] Issues with deprecated keywords like launch application and quit application.
#382 opened by zaid0080 - 2
Can we have something similar as "Set Selenium Speed" in our Appium Library
#376 opened by balakumaran-deriv - 3
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Keyword 'AppiumLibrary.Click Element At Coordinates' is deprecated. But no alternative
#380 opened by atenwolde - 1
setValue for Robotframework
#379 opened by FWDQK - 1
Appium RobotFramework performance issue
#378 opened by FWDQK - 1
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Press side Button for iPhone is not implemented
#374 opened by ZBR92 - 4