
Primary LanguageC++

Aura - Vulkan Renderer

This is a Vulkan renderer implementation that allows you to create high-performance graphics applications using the Vulkan API.

Table of Contents

  • Upcoming Features
  • Dependencies
  • License

Upcoming Features

  • PBR
  • MSSA
  • Multiple lights
  • UI
  • Shadow mapping
  • Skybox


This renderer depends on the following libraries and tools:

  • Vulkan SDK: the Vulkan SDK provides the headers, libraries, and tools needed to develop Vulkan applications. You must have the Vulkan SDK installed on your system to build and run this renderer.

  • GLFW: GLFW is a library that provides an easy-to-use API for creating windows, contexts, and handling user input. This renderer uses GLFW to create a Vulkan window and handle user input.

  • GLM: GLM is a header-only C++ library for mathematics in graphics programming. This renderer uses GLM to perform matrix and vector operations.

  • STB: STB is a collection of single-file libraries for C/C++ that provide useful image loading and manipulation functions. This renderer uses STB to load textures.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.