
Small iOS utility app to help managing your favorite awesome list.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Awesome Helper

Small iOS utility app to help managing your favorite awesome list.

Swift Version License Platform PRs Welcome

I'm using this app to manage my repository with List of open source applications for macOS, and to contribute in repositories like awesome-ios.

Usage example

Add you repository (or fork):

To do this press "+" button on the main screen and then input owner name and repository name.

The repository will appear on the screen:

Add your search query:

After you press on some repository you will be redirected to the screen with the list of search queries. You can add new or edit existing queries.

Perform search repositories by query:

Once you tap on the query, you will be redirected to repositories list. This repositories list contains all repositories found by selected search query on github.com that are not included to your repository. Now you need to rewiew this list and find which repository you'd like to include to your awesome list.

Add repositories to your awesome list

If you find that some repository can be added to your awesome list, just swipe it left and press "+" button. After you press "+", the app will create the issue on your repository on github (That's why I recommend using fork of the repository).

If you press "Delete" button, the app will remember this repository on Firebase and will remove it from your search list.

Now you are able to create a pull request 🚀


  • iOS 11.0+
  • Xcode 9.1

How to run

  1. Firs of all you need to add GoogleService-Info.plist - plist generated by Google. You need to create the app on Google console and generate this plist file. This step is required because the app is using firebase.

  2. Also you need to add credentials.plist file with credentials of your github.com account. This file should have the following structure:

    "token": {
        "key": "token",
        "token": "your github token here"
    "access_token": {
        "key": "access_token",
        "access_token": "your github token here"
    "basic": {
        "username": "your github username here",
        "password": "your github password here"
  1. The next step is cocoapods installation. Run pod install from the application root folder.
  2. Open AwesomeHelper.xcworkspace and run AwesomeHelper target.


We would love you for the contribution to AwesomeHelper, check the LICENSE file for more info.


Serhii Londar – @serhii_londarserhii.londar@gmail.com

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.
