• Required mongodb: mongod command
  • Windows, Develop: npm run windowsDebug command

Modelling Relationships:

Trade off between query performance vs consistency

  1. Using References (Normalization) -> CONSISTENCY
let author = {
    name: 'Travis Scott'

let book = {
    author: 'id'
  1. Using Embedded Documents (Denormalization) -> PERFORMANCE
let book = {
    author: {
        name: 'Travis Scott'
  1. Hybrid approach mongodb (best for small shops)
let author = {
    name: 'Travis Scott'
    ... // and other prorerties

let book = {
    author: {
        id: 'referral',
        name: 'Travis Scott'

Comparison Query Operators:

  • eq (equal),
  • ne (not equal),
  • gt (greather than)
  • gte (greathe than or equal to)
  • lt (less than)
  • lte (less than or equal to)
  • in
  • nin (not in)

Logical Query Operators

  • or
  • and

Regular Expression

$regex manual

Examples { <field>: /pattern/<options> }:

  • Start with Tolkien .find ({ author: /^Tolkien/ })
  • Ends with Tolkien .find ({ author: /Tolkien$/i })
  • Contain Tolkien .find ({ author: /.*Tolkien.*/ })

