Pinned issues
- 2
- 1
Local deployment IIS with alias
#158 opened by carlosxjose - 0
SyncAuthFilter not working
#156 opened by techgarage-ir - 3
Visualizing log data
#153 opened by mo-esmp - 7
Latest version fails to load any data
#151 opened by sommmen - 1
Local requests are not allowed by default
#152 opened by mo-esmp - 0
/api/keys called on Change Token Button
#139 opened by satsvelke - 4
"Invalid column name 'Properties'." at Serilog UI Home Page, when removeStandardColumns: Properties.
#140 opened by rickizud - 8
When I am using MongoDb Sink provider Exception and properties column not populating in serilog.Ui
#94 opened by vivekbajpai4284 - 10
Opening exception details tries to parse the field as XML rather than string for MSSQL
#130 opened by sommmen - 3
- 3
- 3
- 4
When serilog column options properties are removed it does not fetch logs on UI #487
#90 opened by satsvelke - 3
Any support for ColumnOptions?
#112 opened by shahabfar - 0
Serilog UI version 3 is live!
#126 opened by followynne - 1
Insert log test data through sinks
#86 opened by mo-esmp - 10
Missing seconds
#69 opened by mo-esmp - 1
Support provider name customization
#119 opened by followynne - 2
- 21
Fails to insert data into MariaDB
#113 opened by sekulicb - 0
Consider RavenDB support
#111 opened by luis-fss - 2
- 2
- 29
Timestamp returned as Jan 1, 1901 0:00:00.000
#96 opened by Tanjecterly - 1
Migrate from Newtonsoft.Json to System.Text.Json
#61 opened by igece - 4
Error Message column does not exist
#104 opened by drlowery - 3
XML output isn't rendered correctly
#99 opened by GuidoNeele - 0
Rename MySQL provider to MariaDB
#75 opened by mo-esmp - 13
Using options.Authorization.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.Jwt; in api project
#91 opened by satsvelke - 2
Npgsql DateTime filtering problem
#85 opened by Millarex - 6
Error on DateTime format
#84 opened by arrio89 - 1
Is alert supported or is it on the roadmap?
#81 opened by tbazen - 31
- 2
- 3
- 1
Error - Unknown column 'LogLevel' in 'field list' when using MySQL as database
#74 opened by Rafidheen - 2
Support for Serilog.Sinks.File
#72 opened by imranbaloch - 13
Multi log-table support?
#20 opened by sommmen - 3
Bug? js file does not load
#55 opened by sommmen - 11
- 2
How to support Chinese queries
#48 opened by dean1979 - 1
Ability to enable/disable authentication
#42 opened by jorgevp - 7
Feature: Allow custom authorization
#22 opened by sommmen - 7
SQLite support
#32 opened by almait-feder - 6
Level "Critical" not supported
#29 opened by E4est - 2
- 7
BUG: processor architecture mismatch
#19 opened by sommmen - 2
Does this package support .NET framework?
#14 opened by a157147899 - 3
An error occurred while deserializing the Exception property of class Serilog.Ui.MongoDbProvider.MongoDbLogModel: Cannot deserialize a 'String' from BsonType 'Document'.
#15 opened by mesuttalebi