
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lecture API

Lecture API is a REST API written in Node.js. This API has predictable resouce-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, return JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response, and verbs.

How To Run

Download Node.js here

node app.js




  • limit (optional): default is 10, minimum is 1, maximum 100
  • starting_after (optional): pagination cursor for next page
  • ending_before (optional): pagination cursor for previous page



ex: http://localhost:3000/v1/


  • 200 - OK | Everything worked as expected.
  • 400 - Bad Request | The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.
  • 401 - Unauthorized | No valid API key provided.
  • 402 - Request Failed | The parameters were valid but the request failed.
  • 403 - Forbidden | The API key doesn't have permissions to perform the request.
  • 404 - Not Found | The requested resource doesn't exist.
  • 429 - Too Many Requests | Too many requests hit the API too quickly. We recommend an exponential backoff of your requests.
  • 500 - Server Errors | Something went wrong on Serin's end.

Result (Except 200 - OK):

  • code: int
  • message: String

API List

Lecture API

Method Path Description
GET /lectures Read a list of lectures
GET /lectures/:lectureIdx Read a detail of specific lecture
POST /lectures Create new lecture
PUT /lectures/:lectureIdx Update a specific lecture
PATCH /lectures/:lectureIdx Update a specific lecture
DELETE /lectures/:lectureIdx Delete a lecture

Student API

Method Path Description
GET /students Read a list of students
GET /students/:studentIdx Read a detail of specific student info
POST /students Create new student
DELETE /students/:studentIdx Delete a student

API Docs with Swagger

nodemon dev app.js


Read a list of opened lectures: GET /lectures


  • ex (Initial request): GET /lectures?limit=10
  • ex (Next page request): GET/lectures?limit=10&starting_after=1


  "url": "/v1/lectures",
  "has_more": true, // Whether or not there are more elements available after this set.
  "lectures": [
      "lectureIdx": 1,
      "categoryIdx": 1,
      "lectureTitle": "Web 기초 1",
      "teacherIdx": 1,
      "lecturePrice": 50000,
      "isShowYN": "Y",
      "studentCount": 2,
      "registDate": "2021-12-26T10:06:17.000Z"
      "lectureIdx": 1,
      "categoryIdx": 1,
      "lectureTitle": "Web 기초 2",
      "teacherIdx": 1,
      "lecturePrice": 55000,
      "isShowYN": "Y",
      "studentCount": 11,
      "registDate": "2021-12-26T10:06:17.000Z"

Read a detail of lecture: GET /lectures/:lectureIdx


  "lectureTitle": "Web 기초 1",
  "lectureDesc": "Web을 처음 접하는 수강생을 위한 강의!\n쉽고 재밌고 Web에 대해 알아보자!",
  "categoryIdx": 1,
  "lecturePrice": 50000,
  "isShowYN": "N",
  "studentCount": 2,
  "registDate": "2021-12-26T10:06:17.000Z",
  "modifyDate": null,
  "students": [
      "studentIdx": 1,
      "studentUserName": "열심맨",
      "lectureStartDate": "2021-12-26T10:06:17.000Z"
      "studentIdx": 2,
      "studentUserName": "차도녀",
      "lectureStartDate": "2021-12-26T10:06:17.000Z"

Create new lecture: POST /lectures

Request body (Required) (application/json):

  "categoryIdx" : 1,
  "teacherIdx": 1,
  "lectureTitle" : "Web 고급 1",
  "lectureDesc" : "코딩의 ㅋ자도 모르는 왕초보를 위한 입문 수업입니다.
  웹의 기본부터 AWS 배포까지, 서비스 런칭을 위한 필수 기술을 모두 담았습니다.
  튜터와의 즉문즉답 개발자 튜터의 꼼꼼한 코드리뷰로 걸림돌은 모조리 제거해 드릴게요.
  매주 토/일 즉문즉답 시간, 3분 이내에 답변해드려요.
  주 1회 온라인 스터디를 진행합니다.
  평일 저녁/주말 낮마다 온라인 스터디가 진행됩니다. 매주 코딩하는 습관을 길러드려요",
  "lecturePrice" : 100000


  "lectureIdx": 3

Update specific lecture: PUT /lectures/:lectureIdx

Parameters (application/json):

  • lectureTitle: String (optional)
  • lectureDesc: String (optional)
  • lecturePrice: int (optional)


  "lectureIdx": 2,
  "lectureTitle": "Web 기초 1",
  "lectureDesc": "Web을 처음 접하는 수강생을 위한 강의!\n쉽고 재밌고 Web에 대해 알아보자!",
  "categoryIdx": 1,
  "lecturePrice": 50000,
  "isShowYN": "Y",
  "registDate": "2021-12-26T10:06:17.000Z",
  "modifyDate": "2021-12-26T10:06:17.000Z"

Update visibility of specific lecture: PATCH /lectures/:lectureIdx

Parameters (application/json):

  • isShowYN: String(required)


  "lectureIdx": 2,
  "lectureTitle": "Web 기초 1",
  "lectureDesc": "Web을 처음 접하는 수강생을 위한 강의!\n쉽고 재밌고 Web에 대해 알아보자!",
  "categoryIdx": 1,
  "lecturePrice": 50000,
  "isShowYN": "Y",
  "registDate": "2021-12-26T10:06:17.000Z",
  "modifyDate": "2021-12-26T10:06:17.000Z"

Delete specific lecture: DELETE /lectures/:lectureIdx


Read a list of students: GET /students


  • ex (Initial request): GET /students?limit=10
  • ex (Next page request): GET/students?limit=10&starting_after=1


  "url": "/v1/students",
  "has_more": true, // Whether or not there are more elements available after this set.
  "students": [
      "studentIdx": 1,
      "studentEmail": "mimi@lecture.com",
      "studentName": "김미미",
      "studentUserName": "열심맨",
      "registDate": "2021-12-26T10:06:17.000Z",
      "modifyDate": "2021-12-29T10:06:17.000Z"
      "studentIdx": 2,
      "studentEmail": "cha@lecture.com",
      "studentName": "강차차",
      "studentUserName": "차도녀",
      "registDate": "2021-12-26T10:06:17.000Z",
      "modifyDate": null

Read a specific student: GET /students/:studentIdx


  "studentIdx": 1,
  "studentEmail": "mimi@lecture.com",
  "studentName": "김미미",
  "studentUserName": "열심맨",
  "registDate": "2021-12-26T10:06:17.000Z",
  "modifyDate": "2021-12-29T10:06:17.000Z"

Create new student: POST /students

Request body (Required) (application/json):

  "studentEmail": "lalisa@lecture.com",
  "studentName": "라리사",
  "studentUserName": "블핑라리사아님"


  "studentIdx": 3

Delete a student: DELETE /students/:studentIdx


Pay a lecture: POST /payments

Request body (Required) (application/json):

  "studentIdx": 1,
  "lectures": [
      "lectureIdx": 1,
      "lectureIdx": 2


  "studentIdx": 1,
  "paymentIdx": "202203022229011" //yyyyMMddHHmmss + sequence

