
Syntax highlighting for emacs

Opened this issue · 1 comments


Is that possible to create a syntax highlighting for emacs similar to what you have for Vim? It would be really great. Thanks

Jurijs Nazarovs

Hi Jurijs,

Thanks for the suggestion. I did want to support a couple of different editor, but I can't even find time to finish this plugin. I initially wrote this plugin for myself only since I write BDS and use Vim, but then it looked like other might be benefit from it as well. I still have things that I need to fix/add to this one, such as proper indentation handling for example.
Regarding support for other editors it's problematic, because it appears that every editor has it own unique way of writing syntax highlight and if you write one (e.g for Vim) it's not (easily..?) portable to other editor (e.g Emacs).
If you start this project yourself I'll try to contribute to it and I think Emacs would be great to support in terms of mass numbers. The other editor I'd love to support is atom from github.
