This is a implementation of SpecAugment that speech data augmentation method which directly process the spectrogram with Tensorflow & Pytorch, introduced by Google Brain[1]. This is currently under the Apache 2.0, Please feel free to use for your project. Enjoy!
First, you need to have python 3 installed along with Tensorflow.
Next, you need to install some audio libraries work properly. To install the requirement packages. Run the following command:
pip install git+
And then, run the program. It modifies the spectrogram by warping it in the time direction, masking blocks of consecutive frequency channels, and masking blocks of utterances in time.
$ python3
>>> import librosa
>>> from specAugment import spec_augment_tensorflow
# If you are Pytorch, then import spec_augment_pytorch instead of spec_augment_tensorflow
>>> audio, sampling_rate = librosa.load(audio_path)
>>> mel_spectrogram = librosa.feature.melspectrogram(y=audio,
>>> warped_masked_spectrogram = spec_augment_tensorflow.spec_augment(mel_spectrogram=mel_spectrogram)
>>> print(warped_masked_spectrogram)
[[1.54055389e-01 7.51822486e-01 7.29588015e-01 ... 1.03616300e-01
1.04682689e-01 1.05411769e-01]
[2.21608739e-01 1.38559084e-01 1.01564167e-01 ... 4.19907116e-02
4.86430404e-02 5.27331798e-02]
[3.62784019e-01 2.09934399e-01 1.79158230e-01 ... 2.42307431e-01
3.18662338e-01 3.67405599e-01]
[6.36117335e-07 8.06897948e-07 8.55346431e-07 ... 2.84445018e-07
4.02975952e-07 5.57131738e-07]
[6.27753429e-07 7.53681318e-07 8.13035033e-07 ... 1.35111146e-07
2.74058225e-07 4.56901031e-07]
[0.00000000e+00 7.48416680e-07 5.51771037e-07 ... 1.13901361e-07
2.56365068e-07 4.43868592e-07]]
Learn more examples about how to do specific tasks in SpecAugment at the test code.
In test code, we using one of the LibriSpeech dataset.