
repo for my foray into TDD

Primary LanguagePython


repo for my foray into TDD

Utilizing the Method Design Recipe Method!

1. Describe the Problem

Put or write the user story here. Add any clarifying notes you might have.

Pull out verbs for potential methods and nouns for potential objects!

2. Design the Method Signature

Include the name of the method, its parameters, return value, and side effects.


# * capital_and_punctuation_check(text):
# checks the text argument has a capital letter at the start.
# Checks text has a sentence ending punctuation at the end.
# returns a Boolean

# The method doesn't print anything or have any other side-effects

3. Create Examples as Tests

Make a list of examples of what the method will take and return.


capital_and_punctuation_check("Hello.") ==> True
capital_and_punctuation_check("Hello") ==> False
capital_and_punctuation_check("hello.") ==> False
capital_and_punctuation_check("hello") ==> False
capital_and_punctuation_check("Hello?") ==> True
capital_and_punctuation_check("y tho?") ==> False
capital_and_punctuation_check("Welcome!") ==> True
capital_and_punctuation_check("welcome!") ==> False
capital_and_punctuation_check(17) ==> False
capital_and_punctuation_check("") ==> False

Encode each example as a test. You can add to the above list as you go.

4. Implement the Behaviour

After each test you write, follow the test-driving process of red, green, refactor to implement the behaviour.