
my quiz-manager-app in flask

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WebbiSkools Ltd

User Stories

As a Client

I want a web based quiz application

In order to field quizzes out to Users

As a Client

I want to be able to view, edit and delete the quizzes, and questions

In order to have a maintable and customisable quiz app

As a User

In order to test my programming knowledge

I would like to view and answer quiz questions

Design Specs

_ In this section I may link to the relevent design docs that I will create as I go along _

Requirements include:

Log in functionality - I will most likely make this in a Flask application as the in built werkzeug security is very good

User pages for stats on quiz results, maybe even a graph

Admin page for administaror priviledge holders to upload, edit and delete quiz questions and quizzes.

The quiz pages themselves, with a way of storing scores and saving them to the relevent User database.

! Admin Access

I have implemented Flask Security, so access to the Admin portal and some restricted view are only achievable by logging in as admin.webbiskools.ltd with password 'admin123' (no apostrophes)

NOTE I will alter these passwords even though they are sha256 encrypted, whenever I deploy this site.

this will grant access to adding and editing quizzes!