UC Berkeley Data Structures & Algorithms class (Spring 2018)

Primary LanguageJava


UC Berkeley Data Structures & Algorithms class (Spring 2018)

Translation progress

  • Welcome to CS61B
  • Creating and Defining Classes
  • Lists1 : The Mystery of the Walrus
  • Lists2 : SLLists and Avoiding Nakedness
  • Lists3 : DLLists and Arrays
  • Lists4 : ALists
  • Testing
  • Inheritance1: Intro to Implementation and Interface Inheritance
  • Inheritance2: Extends, Casting, HoFs
  • Inheritance3: Comparables, Abstract Classes, HoFs
  • Inheritance4: Java Libraries, Abstract Classes, Packages
  • Syntax1: Automatic Type Conversions, Generic Methods
  • Syntax2: Exceptions and Iteration
  • Syntax3: Packages, Access Control, Object Methods
  • Project 2 Tips (2017)
  • DataStructures5: Priority Queues and Heaps
  • Graphs1: Intro to Graphs
  • Project 3
  • Sorting4: Theoretical Bounds on Sorting
  • Asymptotics1: Introduction to Asymptotics
  • Asymptotics2: Five Runtime Analysis Examples
  • Project 2 (2018)
  • Asymptotics3: Big O, Big Omega, Amortized Runtime
  • Graphs4: Minimum Spanning Trees
  • Project 3 (2018)
  • Sorting2: Quicksort