
Toit client for the Telegram API

MIT LicenseMIT


A minimal Telegram client in Toit.

This library is a work in progress. If you are missing a feature, please open an issue.

Patches are welcome.

Creating a new bot

Create the /newbot command to create a new bot. '@BotFather' will ask you for a name and username, then give you an authentication token.

See the official instructions.


See the examples folder for an example.

import telegram show *

  // Typically you want to get the token from the environment or
  // from a separate file to keep the secrets out of the source code.
  // See the examples folder.
  client := Client --token="<your token>"

  client.listen: | update/Update |
    if update is UpdateMessage:
      message := (update as UpdateMessage).message
      print "Got message: $message"
      if message.text == "/start":
        // It's generally a good idea to reply within the block.
        // This requires fewer connections to the server.
        client.send_message --chat_id=message.chat.id "Hello World"
      print "Got update: $update"

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.