
A simple script that reminds you to put your device on charge.

Primary LanguagePython

Low Battery Notifier

I'm using i3 wm and noticed it doesn't send any notification when my battery gets low. I had that kind of troubles on different desktop environments before and here is a simple script to fix it.


I used notify-send to send notifications and psutil to get battery details.


Run notify-send -v to check is notify-send installed.

If it isn't, you can run sudo apt-get install libnotify-bin for Debian based distros.


You can run pip install psutil to get psutil if it isn't installed already.


1- Clone this repo to your local.

git clone git@github.com:serkan-bayram/low-battery-notifier.git

2- Set main.py to run at startup. If you are using i3 wm you can simply put

exec --no-startup-id python3 /path/to/script.py

in your i3 config.