
JavaScript test adapter for VSTest

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Build Status npm version npm version


jstestadapter is a JavaScript test adapter extension for Visual Studio Test Platform. jstest with vstest can be used as a command line tool to run tests written in mocha, jasmine or jest.


npm install --save-dev jstestadapter


# Testing with default test framework, Jasmine
path/to/vstest.console.exe --TestAdapterPath:./node_modules/jstestadapter/ path/to/test.1.js path/to/test.2.js

# Testing with Mocha
path/to/vstest.console.exe --TestAdapterPath:./node_modules/jstestadapter/ path/to/test.1.js path/to/test.2.js -- JSTest.TestFramework=Mocha

# Running tests with jest
path/to/vstest.console.exe --TestAdapterPath:./node_modules/jstestadapter/ path/to/package.json -- JSTest.TestFramework=Jest

RunSettings Configuration

Option Usage Default
TestFramework One of the following test frameworks for execution: Jasmine/Mocha/Jest Jasmine
DebugLogs Enable debug logs for JavaScript test runner false
DebugFilePath Path for diagnostic logs ""
TestFrameworkConfigJson Override test framework configurations (Specific to the testframework) in json format {}

RunSettings can be provided through the the vstest cli itself:

vstest.console.exe --Isolation --TestAdapterPath:<path> <files> -- JSTest.DebugLogs=true JSTest.TestFramework=mocha

Using RunSettings xml defined for vstest:

vstest.console.exe --Settings:RunSettings.xml --TestAdapterPath:<path> <files>

With RunSettings.xml:

            "timeout": 60000,
            "slow": 30000

Building from source

# Build binaries and javascript to `./artifacts/Debug/net451/` along with the package tarball in `./artifacts/Debug`

Build Options

Option Value Description Default
-clean Clean built output false
-nolint Build without tslint pass false
-configuration Debug, Release Build configuration Debug
-target net451, netstandard1.4 Platform for building managed code net451

Running Tests

# Self dogfooding jstest javascript tests
.\test.ps1 -vstest \path\to\vstest.console.exe

Test run options

Option Value Description Default
-runonly Run tests without building false
-parallel Enable run tests in parallel for vstest false
-discover Enable --listtests option in vstest false
-configuration Debug, Release Build configuration Debug
-log \path\to\log Will enable vstest diagnostic logs -
-test "test filter" Test filter -
-vstest \path\to\custom\vstest.console.exe Path to vstest.console.exe D:\vstest\artifacts\Debug\net451\win7-x64\vstest.console.exe
Tested framework versions
Framework Version
Jasmine latest
Mocha latest
Jest 23.6.0

Used and loved by

Azure Pipelines