Python Bindings for SheetReader

SheetReader allows you to read your spreadsheets (.xlsx) files blazingly fast. This repository contains the Python bindings, as the core library is implemented in C++.

SheetReader is part of the PolyDB Project. Feel free to also checkout our SheetReader core parser and our SheetReader R bindings

Build Instructions

To build the Python bindings (while we prepare pip install sheetreader), you should start by cloning this repo, including its submodules:

git clone --recurse-submodules

The bindings require numpy as a dependency. If you do not have it installed, install it, e.g. through pip:

pip3 install numpy

Finally, build the bindings

python3 build

which will create a shared library that you can then copy it into your desired directory, e.g.:

cp /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages


Now you can parse your favorite spreadsheets by:

import sheetreader
sheet = sheetreader.read_xlsx("my_favorite_sheet.xlsx")