- Purpose: Create interactive and responsive charts and graphs.
- Website: https://www.chartjs.org
- Use Cases: Bar charts, line charts, pie charts, and more.
- Purpose: Enhance HTML tables with sorting, filtering, and pagination.
- Website: https://datatables.net
- Use Cases: Large data tables, searchable content, sortable columns.
- Purpose: Build responsive, mobile-first sites with components like modals, forms, buttons, and more.
- Website: https://getbootstrap.com
- Use Cases: Responsive designs, modals, navbars, grid layouts.
- Purpose: Create responsive, touch-enabled content and image sliders.
- Website: http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/
- Use Cases: Image sliders, content sliders, carousels.
- Purpose: Create interactive maps with markers, popups, and overlays.
- Website: https://leafletjs.com
- Use Cases: Interactive maps, geographic visualizations, location-based services.
- Purpose: Create drag-and-drop file uploads with image previews and error handling.
- Website: https://www.dropzonejs.com
- Use Cases: File uploads, drag-and-drop interfaces, image previews.
- Purpose: Display non-blocking notifications and alerts in a user-friendly way.
- Website: https://codeseven.github.io/toastr/
- Use Cases: Success messages, error alerts, info and warning notifications.
- Purpose: Provide a lightweight and powerful date picker for forms.
- Website: https://flatpickr.js.org
- Use Cases: Date selection, time pickers, scheduling interfaces.
- Purpose: Create rich, customizable tooltips.
- Website: https://atomiks.github.io/tippyjs/
- Use Cases: Tooltips, popovers, context menus.
- Purpose: Add client-side form validation with customizable error messages.
- Website: https://parsleyjs.org
- Use Cases: Form validation, real-time error feedback, field dependencies.
- Purpose: Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times in JavaScript.
- Website: https://momentjs.com
- Use Cases: Date formatting, time zones, date manipulation.
- Purpose: Provide utility functions for common programming tasks using the functional programming paradigm.
- Website: https://lodash.com
- Use Cases: Array manipulation, object cloning, deep comparisons.
- Purpose: Animate elements on scroll.
- Website: https://michalsnik.github.io/aos/
- Use Cases: Scroll-triggered animations, fading effects, slide-ins.
- Purpose: Create modern touch sliders with hardware-accelerated transitions.
- Website: https://swiperjs.com
- Use Cases: Touch sliders, mobile-friendly carousels, product showcases.
- Purpose: Render 3D graphics in the browser using WebGL.
- Website: https://threejs.org
- Use Cases: 3D visualizations, interactive games, animations.
- Purpose: Animate text to simulate typing and backspacing.
- Website: https://mattboldt.com/demos/typed-js/
- Use Cases: Text animations, typewriter effects, dynamic typing.
- Purpose: Create high-performance animations for the web.
- Website: https://greensock.com/gsap/
- Use Cases: Complex animations, scroll animations, SVG animations.
- Purpose: Create interactive and responsive event calendars.
- Website: https://fullcalendar.io
- Use Cases: Scheduling applications, event management, calendar interfaces.
- Purpose: Enhance HTML select boxes with search, tagging, and multi-select capabilities.
- Website: https://select2.org
- Use Cases: Enhanced dropdowns, searchable select boxes, tagging systems.
- Purpose: Create step-by-step user onboarding guides and product tours.
- Website: https://introjs.com
- Use Cases: User onboarding, guided tours, feature walkthroughs.