
Checking the interpretability of attention on text classification models

Primary LanguagePython

Attention Tests for Text Classification

Required to run code:

  • python3 (I used python 3.6.3)
  • allennlp and all its dependencies (works with both 0.7.1 and 0.8.3)
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • pytorch
  • tqdm
  • statsmodels
  • pandas
  • gensim

This repo contains code to train and test the attention mechanisms in various text classification models for different interpretability-related criteria.

When you download the repo, open default_directories.py and set the directories in there to the locations you'd like to use. With the exception of base_data_dir and dir_with_config_files, all other directories will be created by the scripts that use them when necessary; those two are the only ones that need to be set up separately.

Suppose that you wanted to train and test a new model from scratch. Here's the pipeline you'd need to follow:

Preparing the dataset

If this is the first time you've used this dataset in this repository, there are a few preprocessing steps that need to happen first. (If you're training a model on a dataset you've already set up for use in this repository, you can skip this section.)

First, your data needs to be in a format that the code is designed to work with. The code expects each file of data to have one document's information per line, with the different fields tab-separated. (Therefore, all tabs or newlines in the original documents need to be replaced as part of the preprocessing.) The only two fields that the code counts on (though there can be more) are called category and tokens, and can appear in any order (there can also be other fields in the data files; they will just be ignored). category, which is the label for the document, can be an arbitrary string; it will be automatically mapped to an int later. tokens is just the text of the document without newlines or tabs.

To get your data into that format, you can either process it yourself, or reuse some of the code that I wrote in make_datasets.py in before_model_training/. (I haven't gone back and looked at that code in a long time, though, so use at your own risk.)

Then split up your data into train, dev, and test as three separate files, each with the same format described above. (I think I used subset_data.py in before_model_training/ for this, but again, it's been a while; you might be better off just doing this on your own.)

Once your data is in the correct format, you need to make pretrained embeddings and a corresponding allennlp vocabulary for your dataset. In before_model_training/, open get_vocab_and_initialize_word2vec_embeddings_from_dataset.py and edit the parameters in lines 23-29 to the desired values. Then, run get_vocab_and_initialize_word2vec_embeddings_from_dataset.sh (the bash script, not the python script). We run the bash script because it splits up the python script into three separate stages, which, if run as part of the same call to the python script, crash for memory-related reasons on larger datasets.

Training a model

Say you wanted to train a HAN with an RNN encoder on the IMDB dataset. Then, provided you were on a machine with gpus and wanted to use gpu 0, you could run the command

python3 train_model.py --model hanrnn --dataset-name imdb --gpu 0

Options for different models are listed in line 759 of train_model.py. (If you want to run off a gpu, supply -1 as the value for --gpu.) The --model and --dataset-name parameters are used to fetch the correct config file from the configs directory specified in default_directories.py. Let {file_ending} be the file ending that --model (in this case, hanrnn) maps to in corresponding_config_files (line 30 of train_model.py). Then the config filename that train_model.py will look for will be

{dir_with_config_files}/{--dataset-name}_{file ending}

That's the config file that you need to set up; see example config files in configs/ for reference.

More optional parameters are listed in lines 755-781 of train_model.py. A particularly useful one is --optional-model-tag; allennlp doesn't allow a model folder to be overwritten, so if you had already trained a HANrnn for the IMDB dataset and wanted to train another one, you could add an optional model tag that train_model.py would append to the new model's specific directory, thus differentiating it from the old model's directory.

Extracting information about attention from that model

Once you've got a trained model that you'd like to analyze, the next step is to run a lot of tests on it and write the results to a bunch of .csv files in a test-result directory created for this model. This is handled automatically by test_model.py. For the example that we described above with an IMDB HANrnn, the generated model directory would be {base_serialized_models_dir}/imdb-hanrnn. Assuming you wanted to get information about how this model's attention works on all the instances in the data file {base_data_dir}/imdb_test.tsv, you could run the command

python3 test_model.py --model-folder-name imdb-hanrnn --test-data-file imdb_test.tsv --gpu 0 --optional-folder-tag testdata

(test_model.py reads in the same parent directory names as train_model.py does, so those aren't provided in the command.) This will write a bunch of .csv files to a directory (that this script creates) called {base_output_dir}/imdb-hanrnn-testdata/. Once again, there are optional commands listed in lines 1481-1506 of test_model.py. --optional-folder-tag is what allows you to have separate test result directories for the same model on, say, both its test and dev sets. (If we'd left it off, our results directory would have been {base_output_dir}/imdb-hanrnn/.)

Exploring the test results

After all the .csv files produced in the previous step are created, you can either work with them yourself, or use scripts provided here to analyze them.

If you want a summary of some test statistics in text form, process_test_outputs.py is the file you want. To run it for our IMDB HANrnn, we would run

python3 process_test_outputs.py --model-folder-name imdb-hanrnn-testdata

Optional arguments are listed in lines 986-997 of process_test_outputs.py.

If we instead want to generate figures, you can use figure_making/figure_maker.py to generate figures. This script is MUCH more rough around the edges-- there's a lot of stuff in it that you'd probably need to modify for use on your generated test results (hard-coded model tags, the expectation that one of each model has been generated, etc.). But it's here in case it's helpful.

The same goes for figure_making/table_maker.py, which generates a bunch of LaTeX tables looking at differences in single-weight decision flips; it's probably not going to be useful outside of the specific setting I used it in.