
sosig: Slack-tO-diScord brIdGe

Primary LanguagePythonEuropean Union Public License 1.2EUPL-1.2


Slack-tO-diScord brIdGe


This is not well-documented at the moment, sorry – essentially you have to create a "classic app" in the Slack workspace you want to bridge and create an application on Discord (at a minimum, it needs to be able to send messages and manage webhooks), then put the tokens for each service in the config file.


Currently you have to pass the path to the config file to sosig when you run it (as in sosig sosig.toml). The config file should look something like this:

token = "..."

token = "xoxb-..."

endpoints = [
    { name = "DiscordEndpoint", location = "general" },
    { name = "SlackEndpoint", location = "general" },


Contributions are welcome!

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Copyright © 2020 Ash Holland. Licensed under the EUPL (1.2 or later).