
Created and built by James Miller and Scott Ertmer


PalettePicker is an application that generates 5 random colors, and allows users to 'lock' colors of their choice, while continuing generate random colors for the unlocked colors. Users can save name their palettes, create folders, and save the palettes to those folder. Users can name, save, edit and delete both folders and palettes, and have the changes reflected in the PalettePicker API we built.

PalettePicker is a React app that uses hooks and the context API to manage it's global state. In creating this app, we focused on demonstrating mastery of the following:

  • React
  • React Hooks
  • Context API
  • Router
  • Building and testing express servers
  • Connecting the Front and Back End applications


To access this repo, simply clone down and run npm install to access the necessary packages. For the best viewing experience, run npm run start and copy and paste your local server into the browser. Be sure to clone and start the backend repo, linked below

Tech Stack

  • PalettePicker API
  • React
  • React Router
  • React Hooks
  • Context API
  • Jest / Enzyme
  • Fetch API
  • SCSS


User Interface and User Experience

Users can:

  • Generarate Colors
  • Lock Colors
  • Create Folders
  • Create Palettes
  • Edit Existing Palettes
  • Delete Folders
  • Delete Palettes



Generate Color Palette

2020-02-12 15 43 25

Save Palette

2020-02-12 15 44 15

Review Palette

2020-02-12 15 47 24

Edit Palette

2020-02-12 15 47 53

Delete Palette

2020-02-12 15 48 15

Future Iterations

Future iterations of this project will include the following:

  • Refining Styling
  • Preventing duplicate folder names
  • Preventing duplicate palette names in the same folder

Project Members

This project was done at Turing School of Software and Design. Designed and built by: